CGD series wet high intensity magnetic separator use for wet separation for weak magnetic minerals, such as: poor manganese ore, poor limonite, poor hematite. Separate miscellaneous stone from ore concentrate, thus improve the metal grade of concentrate.This equipment of magnetic induction intensity is as high as 13000 Gs, the highest up to 16000 Gs, higher than other equipment at magnetic induction intensity, to meet the low grade weak magnetic minerals separation. Working principle: Put the ore pulp into hopper, pulp flow into first magnetic roll, first separate strong magnetic minerals in the first step;Tailings continues to flow into the second magnetic roll, magnetic minerals is adsorbed and rotate to the unloading mining area, concentrate is flushed out to discharge chute under the rinse water and brush roll,Tailings continues to flow into the third strong magnetic roll, ensure high concentrate recovery rate.Through three times all concentrate is discharged to through chute flow into the concentrate pool, tailings and impurities flows into the tailings dam through tailings chute.Generally.General after three times separation will can achieve ideal concentrate recovery effect.
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